Project background: Original project was meant to be installed in Russia, but, due to the international restrictions, the customer decided to install the line in Monterrey, Mexico. The initial request was for a system capable of transferring the dough from mixers into special designed buffer tanks capable of maintaining the requested temperature (fitted with cooling and heating units), then through a pressurized transfer system to feed the depositors. The buffer tanks, pipping, mixers, depositors were automatically cleaned with a CIP system specially designed to reduce cleaning time, and increase productivity .
Industry Dough, Filling, ingredient handling & CIP
Localization: Mexico
Project description
Target: Design and built an efficient system capable of:
raw material (liquid and powder) transfer, buffering and dosing.
dough buffering, transfer, and CIP.
filling buffering, transfer, pigging recovery system and CIP.
Challenges & Actions:
As initial system was built for Russia where we have power supply at 50Hz 400 V,
The line was reconverted for Mexico electrical standards where the power supply is 60 Hz at 480V
Also UL electrical certification was required.
On the ingredient handling side Raptronic installation scope is to manage the recipes and supply the ingredients to the mixers: Dough, Paw & Filling.
Glucose handling system consists from double heated container unloading station. Glycerin handling system consists from a double container unloading station. Canola oil is dosed in the mixers from existing installation trough flow meters. Chocolate melting, buffer and dosing system.
Each zone has its own dedicated CIP station. CIP stations are custom designed for each part of the line system. Product recovery consisting of pigging system.