Dough filling & ingredient handling system & CIP

Project background: Original project was meant to be installed in Russia, but, due to the international restrictions, the customer decided to install the line in Monterrey, Mexico. The initial request was for a system capable of transferring the dough from mixers into special designed buffer tanks capable of maintaining the requested temperature (fitted with cooling and heating units), then through a pressurized transfer system to feed the depositors. The buffer tanks, pipping, mixers, depositors were automatically cleaned with a CIP system specially designed to reduce cleaning time, and increase productivity .


Dough, Filling, ingredient handling & CIP


Project description

Target: Design and built an efficient system capable of:

  • raw material (liquid and powder) transfer, buffering and dosing.
  • dough buffering, transfer, and CIP.
  • filling buffering, transfer, pigging recovery system and CIP.


Challenges & Actions:

  • As initial system was built for Russia where we have power supply at 50Hz 400 V,
  • The line was reconverted for Mexico electrical standards where the power supply is 60 Hz at 480V
  • Also UL electrical certification was required.



  • On the ingredient handling side Raptronic installation scope is to manage the recipes and supply the ingredients to the mixers: Dough, Paw & Filling.
  • Glucose handling system consists from double heated container unloading station. Glycerin handling system consists from a double container unloading station. Canola oil is dosed in the mixers from existing installation trough flow meters. Chocolate melting, buffer and dosing system.
  • Each zone has its own dedicated CIP station. CIP stations are custom designed for each part of the line system. Product recovery consisting of pigging system.


 +40 372 713 671